5 Great Work Break Ideas To Try Today
The clock has been ticking by all morning. You look up from your work to realize that you’ve been sitting at your computer for at least two hours (you are so dedicated!) Meanwhile, you are hunched over your keyboard and those abs you haven’t worked out in a while are not doing their job of keeping your posture in alignment. It’s time to get up and move. But what do you do? How you can you make the best use of your time and actually feel like you got a break (hint: walking to the water cooler doesn’t really count). In the following article, I will give you five great work break ideas that you can start taking advantage of today.
#1 – Call a Friend
You know that friend that you never seem to have time to talk to but she was one of your bests buds in high school/college/prison? (I don’t judge) This is the time to call her. But she’s working too! Perfect! That’s why they invented voicemail (and no, you can’t just text).
The purpose here is that you made the attempt at a real connection. Brownie points for you! If you both do happen to be free at the same time all the better. If not, you’ve reached out to someone who hasn’t heard from you in awhile and because you’re so awesome, really brightened up her day!
You weren’t sitting down while making that call were you?
#2 Become a 10-minute Yogi
Get on the internet and check out my favorite desk yogis. All of these videos are less than 10 minutes and will help to stretch out the tendons in your back, your writs, and your arms. They also work on that all-important core. Try them each out until you find one that works for you. If you know of a better yoga video that I missed, please comment below. If you don’t want to watch a video and would rather read, I suggest visiting Rachel Brathen for a great yoga sequence.
Ekhart Yoga at Your Desk
Ekhart has a very calming voice and moves you through easy stretches.
Yoga With Adriene
If you don’t want to listen to anyone and can watch the words on the screen this video by Adriene will have you feeling better in no time. You stay seated the entire time so I suggest standing up and doing a few leg stretches as well.
Be The Change Yoga
Be the Change Yoga gives you useful information on how to maintain posture but contains no soothing music. The video also offers excellent advice on performing yoga without bringing tons of attention to yourself.
#3 Bathroom Workout Challenge
Think right now about all the restroom facilities that you have available to you at the present moment. Figure out which is the furthest away; go to that one. Take the longest way there past the employee lunchroom, down the stairs, into the next building (whatever works). I won’t tell you what to do next because I think we’ve all pretty much figured that out by now (can’t say the same about some of our kids at home though).
Don’t leave the stall just yet! It’s time to work those abs and gluts. Do 20 squats (or however many you can do without grunting too loud – you don’t want the other stallers to have other notions). If you go to pee five times while you are at work that’s 100 squats a day!
Not only is this just really good exercise, it’s going to increase blood circulation to those legs (the same ones that have been sitting in an office chair for 2 hours). Blood flowing means blood flows to the brain too so you will have a clearer head for that important meeting you have in 20 minutes (where, of course, you’ll be sitting for another hour).
#4 M.B.W.A. (Hint…not basketball related)
If you supervise employees, this is one of the best ways to take a break and still work (if you are so inclined). It’s called Management By Walking Around (MBWA). It’s exactly what it sounds like – you pop in on your employees to chat. The best part of this break is that you can include it on your calendar guilt free.
My advice is to visit as many employees as you can but NOT talk about work unless they bring it up. Use this time as a break for yourself to build connections with those around you. Best yest, it will help your employees feel less concerned that you are just there to spy on them or have impromptu meetings.
If you do not manage anyone, you can still use this technique to chat with your coworkers. In this case, be friendly and talk about non-work related things first but follow up with a question regarding a project or deadline that you have in common.
Since you are not technically managing anyone, I would keep this break to 1-2 coworkers and not put it on your calendar. It’s still a fabulous way to get your butt out of your chair, generate endorphins by talking with people, and build more lasting connections with those around you.
#5 Smell the Roses
It’s totally cliche but taking time to smell flowers makes us feel better. Our olfactory response to the smell of flowers directs to the part of the brain that deals with our emotional state. Since I’m not a scientist I’m going to stop right there. We all know that communing with nature can improve our mood. If you don’t believe me, check out this article from The Atlantic.
Walk around your building or in the courtyard. Find a tree and stand under it for a few minutes. Touch a branch, a leaf, smell a flower. Become a hippie for five minutes and commune with nature. I promise, it won’t hurt (too much). If you need more science to why being outside is good, review Nature.com’s article on “Green Space – A Natural High.”
If you can’t go outside to take in the beauty of the outdoors walk around the office and look for those potted plants and the dozen flowers your secretary got from her boyfriend. But please don’t come to my office because I kill every plant I have ever been given. I give you Exhibit A.

How not to take care of your office plants during a work break
There you have it. Five quick and virtually painless ways to take a work break and feel refreshed. What are you just sitting there for?